
Why does my baby cry all the time?

Your baby may be crying due to the following reasons:

  • He is hungry.
  • He has a wet nappy and needs changing.
  • He is uncomfortable. Check his clothes for any tags out of place that might be uncomfortable for him.
  • He has gas. Try to burp him in this case.
  • He is bored. Try new stimlating activities to keep him entertained.

You can respond with the following soothing techniques:

  • Provide your baby with a pacifier. Babies have a natural urge to suck. Pacifiers will help soothe babies that have a strong desire to suck.
  • Allow your baby to breastfeed longer or perform skin-to-skin to ensure your baby feels safe and comforted.
  • Hold your baby in a sling close to you during the day. Many babies find this reassuring.
  • Swaddling your baby can help settle a crying baby to sleep.
  • Go for a walk with your baby. Sometimes just the change of scenery can help calm them down.
  • Bathing. Some babies love to be placed in a bath and have warm water gently splashed over their bodies.
  • Rocking. Gentle motion can help your baby calm down. Rock her in a bouncy chair or hold her while you rock in a chair or glider.



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